Pachacamac Park

Location Lima, Peru Year 2019 Clients Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Lima
Pachacamac Park is a highly dynamic hub located in the Sanctuary of Pachacamac attracting consumers with brilliant art, cultivating architectural facades, unique pedestrianoriented spaces, and informative wayfinding.

Working within existing conditions, Pacheco Koch carefully crafted a pedestrian-oriented community park experience at Pachacamac Park in Lima, Peru. Using ecological, economic, and social goals as tools of design, adjacent communities are relinked. Landscape architecture and local art redefine spaces and add vibrancy. Careful measures were taken to preserve historical landmarks and increase the presence of native Peruvian plantings. The addition of local water systems will help the park thrive.

By restoring functionality to the park, a renewed energy has been created for the enjoyment of the surrounding communities. Each member of the design team, which included: landscape architects and designers; civil, traffic and utility engineers; architects; and local stakeholders, brought a unique talent and personal philosophy to the project. This diverse team sought to incorporate art into the overall site design, resulting in an unprecedented and exciting project for Lima. Created with the help of local artists, the project site will become “a crafted mix” of conscious outdoor spaces, pathways, and architecture, and will become a driving asset and value for Lima.

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